So far we have several group photos from the 1970s. Kevin Morrow brought to the Reunion a CD with some more group shots and about 20 snapshots, which we'll be posting in the next few days.
It would be great to have names to go with the group shots.
1972 Rec Hall Porch.
After Roelof's was built in the late 1960's, the Rec Hall became the canteen.
Note the old priests' cabin in the background, and all the trees.
Many trees were ripped up by a storm a few years later.

1972 Pool and Tennis Courts:

1973 Junior High:

1973 Middle High:
1973 Senior Conf:

1975 Junior Conf:
1975 Senior Conf:

1976 Junior Conf:

1976 Senior Conf:
in black and white:

Sr. Conf. 76, larger and in color: