Someone gave a photo album to Camp Crucis with lots of photos (with captions!) from the 1950 Senior Camp and some other later session. Here are a few.
I think you'll find these pictures interesting, for they show the old frame buildings, a more open landscape, and campers in various activities. As time goes by, we'll add more photos and names.
Poolside, and note what's beyond the volleyball and tennis courts.

Volleyball and the old Rec Hall (before its great 3-sided porch was added)

Diving -- no way now, as the diving board has been removed and the pool filled in to only a few feet deep. There is now a nice slide.

Horseback - heading out on a ride

The Refectory's Front Porch
Rachel Moore in front of which cabin?

In the background are the old Boys' Cabins.
High water on Stroud's Creek (and no bridge)