We are compiling a master roll with the names and decades when Old Timers were at Camp, along with their most recent contact information. Many of these names have come from old lists we have found or just old recollections. The old lists are included on the Memorabilia webpage. (We haven't added the names from the 1950 photo yet.) Please send us any other lists or names you have, preferably with whatever contact info you can provide.
BUT FIRST, PLEASE JUST SEND US A QUICK EMAIL (or call) AND LET US KNOW WHAT CONTACT INFO ABOUT YOU IS OK TO POST. Besides feeling the joy of reconnecting with you, we can also then focus on finding other Old Timers. We will not post any info you want unlisted.
NOTE: We will be adding addresses and other contact info as we receive and confirm it.
KEY: The number(s) following a name indicate the decade(s) when the person was at Crucis (5=1950's, 6=1960's, etc.). Nicknames and married names are in parentheses.
Abbott, Margaret 6
Abel, Barbara 6
Adcock, Ed 6, 1924 Forest Park Blvd., Ft Worth TX 76110-6639, e.adcock at tcu.edu
Adcock, Bill 6
Adcock, Bob 6, 316 Taylor St NW, Washington, D.C. 20011, radcock at verizon.net
Adcock, Peggy (Corrie) 6 pegcorrie at yahoo.com
Albrecht, Carol 6
Albrecht, Steve 6
Allen, Dona 6
Allen, Genita 6
Allen, Jeff 6
Amsler, John 6
Armstrong, Windy 6
Arnold, A.D. 6
Ashley, Linda 6
Austin, Glen 6
Austin, Wendy 6
Baggett, Marilyn 6
Barker, Bill 6
Barnabee, Bill 6
Barbee, Christina 6
Balentine, Donna 6
Barnet, Carol 6
Bates, David 6
Beachley, Charles 6
Beard, Tommy 6
Bell, Dee 6
Beers, Carol 6
Bills, Diane 6
Black, Sandy 6
Blake, Richard 6
Branch, Kathy 6
Beers, Carol (Tess) 6
Blount, Maureen Sue 6
Bowers, Sue 6
Bowles, Alan 6
Bragg, John 6
Brandenberg, Karen 6
Breithaupt, Barbara 6
Broadwater, Kathy 6
Brownfield, Lisa 6
Burke, Diane 6
Burks, Barbara 6
Burns, Fred 6
Byers, Steve 6
Camlin, David 6
Cann, Jimmy 6
Cardona, David 6
Carlson, Dorothy 6
Carter, Steve 6
Cass, Mimi 6
Cerminaro, Gayle 6
Chambers, Andy (Drew) -5,6; 762 Summerset Drive, Rio Vista, CA 94571, andycee at hotmail.com
Chaney, Debbie 6
Churchill, Laura 6
Churchill, Sandra 6
Clock, John 6
Cole, Crickett 6
Coleman, Peggy (Anne Thorpe) 5
Cook, Bill 6
Cool, Patty 6
Conklin, Peggy 6
Cowart, Charity 6
Cowart, Emily 6, 1708 Alameda, Austin, TX 78704
Cowart, Mary Edith 6
Cosby, Brenda 6
Crosslin, Mary 6
Crues, Debbie 6
Dean, Ellen 6
Decatur, Lynn 6
Delvill, Karen 6
Dewers, Linda 6
Dickerson, Rosie 6
Dirks, Rick 6
Dodson, Leslie 6
Dodson, Norman 6
Dodson, Rick 6
Doris, Diane 6
Downs, Susan 6
Edwards, Steve 6
Elleason, Ann 6
Ellington, Kay 6
Ellis, Gary 6
Ellis, JoAnn 6
Ellis, Susan 6
Epp, Janet 6
Evans, Carolyn 6
Evans, Charles (Charlie) 5,6 1728 Westridge, Hurst, TX 76054 817-239-1850 (cell/home)
toll-free (at work) 800-259-1200
Evans, Herb 5,6, 1000 Guadalupe, Room 117, Austin, TX 78701
Farrar, Bob 6
Farrar, Mary 6
Farrow, Jan 6
Feik, Ellen 6,7,8 4320 Bellaire Dr. S., # 236, Fort Worth, TX 76109
ellenf at allsaintsfortworth.org
Fennema, Rick 6,7 Coppel, TX richard4f at verizon.net
Ferguson, Lyn 6
Fernald, Stan 6 sfernald at johnsonmonroe.com
Fisher, Lynn 6
Fite, Kay 6
Foster, Chris 6
Fowler, Ed 6
Fowler, Mike 6
Fox, Jamie 6
Franklin, Jim 6
Franklin, Missy 7 (Baker)
Franklin, Susan 6
Fuller, Andy 6
Gafford, Ann 6
Geddis, Rhonda 6
Geddis, Sue Ellen 6
Geddis, Tim 6
Geiger, Scott 6, 7 McGregor, Texas rgeiger at hotmail.com
Geiger, Scottie 4, 5, 6
George, Linda Sue 6
Gilder, Michelle 6
Gleber, Carol 6
Goock, Susan 6
Gordon, Lynn 6
Greene, Libby 6
Gresham, Carter 5
Haagen, Donald 6
Haagen, Jeri 6
Hager, Don 6
Hainze, Thomas 6
Hall, Benny 6
Hall, Merrill 6
Hall, Millie Sue 6
Hall, Phillip 6
Hall, Randy 6
Hall, Shan 6
Hamby, Dick 6
Hancock, Melody 6
Hargrove, Amy 6
Harmon, Peggy 6
Harrison, Orrin 6
Havins, Linda 6
Hedden, Mary Helen 6
Hellman, Beverly (Cardona) 5
Hellman, Gary 5, 6 ghellman at mindspirit.org
Henderson, Tony 6
Hill, Don 6
Hilliard, Zack 6
Hines, Guyanna 6
Hobson, Bill 6
Hodges, Jane Ellen 6
Hodkin, Roger 6
Hogue, Caroline 6
Hogue, Elizabeth 6
Hogue, Kathy 6
Hollywood, Jill 6
Holmquist, Fred 6
Holmquist, John 6
Holt, Patti 6
House, Betsy 6
House, David? 5
Hudgins, Elmore 6
Jackson, Ilona 6
Jackson, Tommy 6
James, Ann 6
Jeffrey, Janett 6
Johns, Jeff 6
Johnson, Allen 6
Jones, Pappy 6
Johnson, Allen 6
Johnson, Mike 6
Johnson, Susan 6
Johnston, Kathy 6
Junkin, Marie 6
Kageler, Kris 6
Kauhl, Bob 6
Kay, Karen 6
Keasler, Walter 6
Kennedy, Laney 6
Knowles, Bill 6
Killen, Judy 6
Killeen, Nancy 6
Kimball, Janet 6
Kindle, Pat 6
Lamb, Roddy 6
Lancaster, Carol 6
Leatherwood, Jim 6 (deceased)
Leatherwood, George 6 (deceased)
Leatherwood, Len 6
Levings, Sally 6
Lewis, Karen 6
Link, Roger 6
Locker, Lewis 6
Luck, Bill 6
Luck, Peggy (Lucky) 6
Lyles, Linda (Meier) 5, 6 (deceased)
Lyons, Kay 6
Mahoney, Carolyn 6
Madland, Melinda 6
Malcolm, Rachel (Rae) 6
Maly, John 6
Manuel, Casey 6
Mann, Kenneth 6
Marchesseau, Lynda 6
Marr, Phil 6
Martin, Ginger 6
Mathews, Alice 6 (Harris)
May, Suzanne 6
McAbee, Howard 6
McAlister, Mary Ann 6
McAffrey, Maggie 6
McClintock, Lisa 6
McColm, Beverly Ann 6
McLaughlin, Louise 6
McLauren, Debbie 6
McLean, Christie 6
McNulty, Klata 6
Mead, Gail 6
Mead, Mimi 6
Meier, Dick 6
Meier, Art 5, 6
Melanson, Christine 6
Messick, Mary 6
Milner, George W. 6,7 6590 Hwy 290 West, Dripping Springs, TX 78620 512-431-2881 (cell), 512-858-7644 (home), 512-602-5735 (work) gwmilner at gmail.com, or george.milner at amd.com
Miller, Cathy 6
Miller, Connie 6
Miller, Judy 6
Miller, Justin 6
Miranda, Debra 6
Morgan, Mary 6
Morong, Lucky 6
Mosely, Susie 6
Moser, Sue 6
Mueller, David 6
Mueller, Sharon 6
Munneke, Martha 6
Murphy, Charlotte 6
Nelson, Jimmy ("Dutch") 6
Newbern, Jennifer 6
Newton, James 6
Niceler, Mary 6
Nichols, John 6
Ochojski, Susan 6
Ohde, John 6
Ondrucek, Nancy 6
Owen, Rob 6
Palamountain, Nancy 6
Pardue, Craig 6
Pardue, Dana 6
Park, Charlie 6
Patterson, Sue Ann 6
Payne, Pat 6
Pearson, Paula 6
Perkins, Carol 6
Pier, Carol Sue 5,6,7?
Pier, Kathy 6 (deceased)
Pierce, Mike 6
Pinson, Monty 6
Pollock, Mary Ellen 6
Pope (or Polk?), Janice 6
Poteet, Steve 6 (deceased)
Powell, Sally 6
Prater, David 6
Pratt, Becky 6
Preslar, Karen 6 (deceased)
Price, July 6
Prine, Elton 6
Purdy, Liz 6
Ralston, Lyn 6
Ready, Paula 6
Regelado, Johnny 6
Richardson, Will 6
Riddell, Jimmy 5,6, 4015 Hildring Dr. E., Ft. Worth, TX 76109 riddellja at hotmail.com
Riddell, Joe 5,6, 2409 Ridgeview St., Austin, Tx 78704, 512-444-6076, joeriddell@aol.com
Riddell, Mary Jane (Deal) 5,6, maryrdeal at aol.com
Riddell, Robert (Louie) 5,6, 4015 Hildring Dr. E., Ft. Worth, TX 76109, 817-923-4428
Riley, Buz 6 (deceased)
Riley, Kelly 6
Robertson, Connie 6
Robinson, Bettye 6
Roeder, Nicki 6
Rogers, Lisa 6 2505 Princeton Dr, Austin TX 78741, LRguitar@sbcglobal.net
Rogers, Robin 6
Rooper?, George 6
Ross, Susie 6
Russell, Julia 6
Sauerbrunn, Sharon 6
Scott, Susie 6
Seagraves, Cynthia 6
Shaughnessy, Jim 6
Sheldon, Susan 6
Sherman, Winn 6
Shoaf, Jo Ann 6
Shook, David 6, 302 W. 37th St., Austin, Texas 78705, 512-451-4781
Slattery, Alice 6
Slattery, Bill 6
Sone, Linda 6
Spencer, Irene 6
Spencer, Allen 6
Spurgeon, Mary Ann 6
Stark, Gayle 6
Stein, Beth 6
Straughn, Ginger 6
Strehorn, Cyndy 6 (deceased, see Strehorn, Angela 8,9)
Strehorn, Angela 8,9
Stuart, Tommy 6
Sutton, Jerry 6
Sutton, Sandra 6
Swanberg, Geoff 6
Terrell, Carolyn (Coatoam) 6 CCoatoam at aol.com
Terrell, John 6
Terrell, Josie 6
Thomas, Beth 6
Thomas, Susie 6
Thompson, Millie (Kirkwood) 4, 5 milliek214 at msn.com
Thompson, Susie 6
Thornton, Sarah 6
Turner, James 6
Turner, Mary Ellen 6
Turriff, Tricia 6
Vestal, Janice 6
Von Reyn, John 6
Voute, Dianne 6
Wadsworth, Cynthia 6
Washburn, Melane 6
Wagnon, Paula 6
Wait, Cathy 6
Wait, Chris 6
Ward, Anita 6
Washburn, Melanie 6
Watts, Jon 6
Weathersby, Jesse 6
Williams, Cathy 6
Williams, Charlotte 6
Williams, Liz 6
Willis, Donna Sue 6
Willis, Hazel 6
Wilson, Jill 6
Winsett, Steve 4,5,6 s.winsett at insightbb.com
Winsett, Walter 6
Witt, Melvin 6
Wolf, Jimmy 6
Wolf, Nancy 6
Wood, Mack 6
Worrall, Diane 6
Wyly, Sidney 6
Zanowiak, Dean 6